
Privacy Policy – Valid: 2023.05.01

  1. Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to set out the policy of A Német Juhászkutyáért Alapítvány (registered office: 5100 Jászberény, Nagykátai út 4/A., company registration no: 01 01 0005649, registration authority: Pest County Court as commercial court, tax no: 18075577-2-42) and the data protection and data management policy of the Company.

The A Német Juhászkutyáért Alapítvány may carry out parcel delivery activities under Hungarian law. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that in all areas of the services provided by the Service Provider, all individuals, regardless of their nationality or place of residence, are guaranteed that their rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular their right to privacy, are respected when their personal data are processed by automated means (data protection).

  1. Name of the controller

Name: A Német Juhászkutyáért Alapítvány

Registered office and postal address: 5100 Jászberény, Nagykátai út 4/A.

Phone number: +36 30 148 0883

Email address:


  1. Scope of personal data processed

3.1.Registration. During registration, the User is required to provide the following personal data:

– username,

– personal e-mail address,

– password,

– telephone number,

– billing address (billing name, street name, house number, municipality, postal code),

– delivery address (delivery name, street name, house number, town, postcode), telephone number

3.2.Data technically recorded during the operation of the system: the data of the user’s logon computer which are generated during the use of the service and which are recorded by the data controller’s system as an automatic result of technical processes. The data that are automatically recorded are automatically logged by the system at the time of logging in or logging out, without any specific declaration or action by the user. These data cannot be linked to other personal user data, except in cases required by law. The data can only be accessed by the data controller.

3.3 During visits to the Website, one or more cookies, i.e. small files containing a series of characters, are sent to the visitor’s computer, which will allow the visitor’s browser(s) to be uniquely identified. These cookies are provided by Google and are used through the Google Adwords system. These cookies are only sent to the visitor’s computer when visiting certain sub-pages, i.e. they only store the fact and time of the visit to the sub-page in question, and no other information.

The use of the cookies sent in this way is as follows. Users can opt out of Google cookies by going to the Google ads opt-out page. (You can also indicate to users that you can opt out of cookies from third-party service providers by going to the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.)

Applied cookies:

– Analytics, tracking cookie

– Tracking through the site

– Log-in, user ID session cookie

The „Help“ function in the menu bar of most browsers provides information about whether the browser is running

– The browser’s most common browser features a tool to help you disable cookies,

– how to accept new cookies, or

– how to instruct your browser to set a new cookie or to turn off other cookies.

  1. Legal basis, purposes and means of processing

4.1. The data processing is based on the voluntary and informed declaration of the users of the Internet content on the website (hereinafter: Website), which contains the express consent of the users to the use of their personal data provided during the use of the website.

The legal basis for the processing of the data is the voluntary consent of the data subject pursuant to Article 5(1)(a) of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Infotv.). The consent is given by the User by using the Website, registering or voluntarily providing the data in question.

4.2 The purpose of the processing is to ensure the provision of the services available on the Website. The Service Provider shall store the data provided by the User for the sole purpose of fulfilling the order and for the purpose of subsequent proof of the terms of any contract that may be concluded.

4.3 The purpose of the automatically recorded data is to compile statistics, to improve the technical development of the IT system and to protect the rights of users.

4.4 The controller shall not use or exploit the personal data provided for purposes other than those described in these points. The disclosure of personal data to third parties or public authorities, unless otherwise required by law, shall only be possible with the prior express consent of the user.

4.5 The Controller does not control the personal data provided to it. The person providing the data is solely responsible for the correctness of the data provided. Any User who provides an e-mail address shall also be responsible for the fact that he/she is the only one to use the service from the e-mail address provided. In view of this responsibility, any liability for accessing the service from a given e-mail address rests solely with the user who registered the e-mail address.

  1. Duration of data processing

5.1. In the case of non-mandatory data, the processing of the data lasts from the time of the data entry until the deletion of the data in question. The registration may be cancelled by the User and deleted by the Service Provider at any time, in the case and in the manner set out in the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as „GTC“).

5.2 Logged data will be stored by the system for 6 months from the date of logging, except for the date of the last visit, which will be automatically overwritten.

5.3 The above provisions do not affect the fulfilment of retention obligations laid down by law (e.g. accounting legislation), nor the processing of data on the basis of additional consents given during registration on the Website or otherwise.

  1. Who can access the data, data transfers, data processing

6.1. The data may be accessed primarily by the Service Provider or the Service Provider’s internal employees, but will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties.

6.2 The Service Provider may use a data processor (e.g. system operator, transport company, accountant) for the operation of the underlying IT system, the fulfilment of orders and the settlement of accounts. The Service Provider is not responsible for the data processing practices of such external parties.

Identification of data processors (Company – Address – Activity)

– Magyarországi Német Juhászkutya Klub – Nagykátai út 4/a. Jászberény 5100 – hosting provider

– OTP Mobil Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság – 1143 Budapest, Hungária krt. 17-19. – Online payment by credit card


I acknowledge that the following personal data stored by the A Német Juhászkutyáért Alapítvány 5100 Jászberény, Nagykátai út 4/A. data controller in the user database of the will be transferred to OTP Mobil Kft. as data processor. The scope of the data transferred by the controller is as follows: [Name of the data transferred by the merchant]. The nature and purpose of the processing activities carried out by the data processor can be found in the SimplePay Data Processing Information Notice, at the following link: /

6.3. In addition to the above, the transfer of personal data concerning the User may only take place in cases provided for by law or with the consent of the User.

  1. User rights and enforcement

7.1. Furthermore, the User may request the deletion of his/her data by using the contact details provided in this section.

7.2 Upon the User’s request, the Service Provider shall provide information on the data concerning the User that it processes, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, as well as on who receives or has received the data and for what purpose. The Service Provider shall provide the requested information in writing within 25 days of the request. The information shall include the purposes, legal basis and duration of the processing and, where the data have been further processed, the recipients and the purposes for which the data are being or have been received.

7.3 The data subject may exercise his or her rights at the following contact details:

Mailing address:

A Német Juhászkutyáért Alapítvány
5100 Jászberény, Nagykátai út 4/A.

The Customer may contact the Service Provider’s staff with any questions or comments regarding the processing of the data using the contact details provided in section 7.3.

7.4 The User has the right to request the rectification or deletion of incorrectly recorded data at any time. In other cases, the Service Provider will delete the data within 3 working days of receiving the request, in which case they will not be recoverable. The deletion does not apply to data processing required by law (e.g. accounting regulations), which will be kept by the Service Provider for the necessary period.

7.5 The User may enforce his/her rights before the courts pursuant to the Infotv. and the Civil Code (Act V of 2013), and may also contact the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH) ( in case of complaints regarding the data controller’s data management practices.

7.6 If the User has provided third party data during registration or has caused damage in any way during the use of the Website, the Service Provider shall be entitled to claim damages from the User. In such a case, the Service Provider shall provide all reasonable assistance to the competent authorities in order to establish the identity of the offending person.

  1. Use of e-mail addresses

8.1. The Service Provider pays particular attention to the lawfulness of the use of the e-mail addresses it manages, so it will only use them for sending e-mails (informative or advertising) as specified below.

8.2. The processing of e-mail addresses is primarily for the purpose of identifying the User and maintaining contact during the fulfilment of orders and the use of services, so e-mails are sent primarily for this purpose.

8.3. It is not possible to unsubscribe from such a „notification list“, however, these notifications will not be used by the Service Provider for advertising purposes.

8.4. The User may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by using the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

  1. 9. Other provisions

9.1. The Service Provider’s system may collect data on the activity of users, which cannot be linked to other data provided by users at the time of registration, nor to data generated by the use of other websites or services.

9.2.In all cases where the Service Provider intends to use the data provided for purposes other than those for which they were originally collected, the Service Provider shall inform the user thereof and obtain his/her prior express consent or provide him/her with the opportunity to prohibit such use.

9.3 The Service Provider undertakes to ensure the security of the data, to take technical measures to ensure that the data recorded, stored or processed are protected and to take all necessary measures to prevent their destruction, unauthorised use or unauthorised alteration. It also undertakes to require any third party to whom it may transfer or disclose the data to comply with its obligations in this respect.

9.4. The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms and Conditions by giving prior notice to the Users. After the entry into force of the amendment, the User accepts the amended Terms and Conditions by using the Service.

Jászberény, 1 May 2023.