
Obedience is a dog obedience sport, the most important element of which is the mutual harmony and trust between dog and owner.

It is not enough to perform a task well, the dog must work enthusiastically and happily alongside its owner. Training is therefore based on motivation, encouragement and praise. It is important that these exercises are not compulsory for the dog, but a game in which they can participate with the owner. As in other competitive dog sports, there are different levels of difficulty (skill).
At higher levels, the range of tasks and the way they are performed is extended. At the highest level 3, for example, there is free-following, retrieving by planting, laying or standing, and a very spectacular forward sending by laying exercise. In addition, the dog should be familiar with controlled retrieving, obstacle jumping and scent identification. In the competition, pairs must complete a total of ten tasks, each of which can be awarded a maximum of 10 points, with each task having a multiplier (depending on its level of difficulty) to determine the final order of the competition.