Press accreditation

MNJK Media Accreditation Regulations 2023

  1. For the international competition organised by the German Shepherd Dog Club of Hungary , media accreditation can be requested exclusively by email to
  2. The MNJK does not forward personal data to third parties in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.
  3. The accreditation for the MNJK/WUSV VM 2023 can be requested by: – Journalist – Photo / TV. These media may apply for 1 journalist and 2 photographer/videographer accreditation, only for persons over 18 years of age and of legal age. If eligible persons wish to apply for more accreditation, the editor-in-chief or the responsible editor or manager of the platform concerned, or in other cases the person representing the company holding the publishing rights, must indicate the additional request by e-mail to and justify it in writing.
  4. Accreditation for persons without real media. If there is no media represented, but the MNJK, together with the Media Officer, considers that the applicant’s product is useful and of sufficient quality, a special authorisation may be granted.
  5. Journalist accredited journalists may apply for a MNJK/WUSV 2023 media/press press pass. Those with a photographer/video accreditation may use the services of the media office. They can enter and work in areas closed to spectators, in strict compliance with the organizer’s rules. They will be issued 1 car pass for use of the official press car parks of the competition. With the photographer/videographer accreditation, they can apply for a MNJK/WUSV 2023 media/photo press pass, for which they will receive a Photo/TV distinctive vest. Attention! If the event requires the signing of a disclaimer, the MNJK/WUSV 2023 Photo/TV vests will be valid together with the official media card of the event and the signing of the event disclaimer.
  6. Submission of the accreditation application: The accreditation application must be submitted via the email address
  7. Validity: The MNJK/WUSV 2023 press card is valid from the date of issue until 09 October 2023. The issue of photo vests is free of charge, replacement in case of loss or damage is HUF 20.000.
  8. The MNJK Media Relations Officer will decide on the acceptance of the application. The Media Officer shall decide on the applications received within 15 days and inform the applicant accordingly. In case of non-compliance with the rules and regulations applicable to media representatives, the Media Officer is entitled to initiate the revocation of the MNJK/WUSV 2023 press card of the media representative concerned, a decision which shall be brought by the President of the MNJK, even during the event! MNJK reserves the right to reject, without giving reasons, any application for accreditation which, in the opinion of the Association, has not been applied for with a view to publication for the general public. MNJK reserves the right to reject or withdraw, without giving reasons, any application for accreditation where the applicant has previously published or distributed content that is prejudicial to the reputation, business or other interests of the club. The MNJK shall have the right to determine the media accreditation fees for the event on an individual basis. A press pass issued by the MNJK is not transferable. The holder of a press pass shall wear the press pass issued by the MNJK/WUSV 2023 in a clearly visible place for the duration of the event. Media representatives carrying out photographic/TV activities along the race course must wear only a valid vest issued by the MNJK. The applicant and/or the holder of the press pass, in the event of any change in his/her details, must notify the MNJK/WUSV 2023 Competition Office of the change without delay. The holder of a press card has the possibility to display his/her press materials, pictures and videos on the MNJK social media. The MNJK/WUSV 2023 Media Officer will decide on the publication of the submitted press materials. It is recommended to make use of this opportunity for successful cooperation.
  9. The Press Card may be revoked if it is not used by the person entitled to it. These Rules shall enter into enforcement upon publication on the website.

The application for Media Accreditation of the German Shepherd Dog Club of Hungary must contain the following mandatory information:

  • Name of the person requesting accreditation:
  • Accreditation field of activity: journalist photojournalist/video reporter ,Postal address, name of editor-in-chief, mailing address, mobile,  phone,  web, e-mail
  • Publisher/Company name, address, mobile,  phone, web, e-mail,
  • Name of media representative to be accredited: mailing address, e-mail, web: phone, mobil, activity (journalist, reporter, photographer, cameraman)

I, the undersigned, holder of the press card, declare that I am familiar with the provisions of the MNJK Rules on Media Accreditation Procedures and accept the provisions thereof as binding upon me.